Another nice piece recently came about tattooing and immune function that I was interviewed for. This one is in Parade Magazine:
I had a fun interview with these local guys who are interested in the natural world and came across my fireside relaxation study article from 2014. There's the video interview below, as well as webpage with episode notes and a post-interview conversation. I met journalist Stephanie DeMarco several years ago in Washington DC through a combined workshop of the AAAS Leshner Fellowship program for public engagement (which I was in) and another program for science journalism. She reached out to me a few months ago for a piece she was writing about therapeutic applications of tattooing for this piece in Drug Discovery News. It's a really well done article with a lot of great information and graphics. In addition to moi, she interviewed tattoo anthropologist Lars Krutak and acupuncturist/tattooist Douglas Wingate, who have been guests on the Inking of Immunity podcast I cohost, and biomedical engineer Carson Bruns, who is on our invitation list for the coming season.
Dr. Andrew Bishop joined HBERG for a year after completing a BA in New College. He wanted to apply for an anthropology grad program and needed more training in anthropology. He worked on multiple projects, accompanied Max Stein and I to Costa Rica for some fieldwork, and collaborated with Max and I on an article about how our lab works. He then went to Arizona State and earned an MA and PhD in anthropology. He told me if he didn't get a job or postdoc in the first round, he was going to apply to be on this show...
Christopher D. LynnI am a Professor of Anthropology at the University of Alabama with expertise in biocultural medical anthropology. Archives
August 2024